January from Uganda

$825 to restock January's store with sugar, soap, books and drinks.

January is a hardworking man who resides in Masindi, Uganda. He runs a store where he sells general merchandise such as plastics, soap, flour and cooking oil. (The other person who appears in the photo is his shop attendant.) He has been in business for the last four years and has been able to pay school fees for his two children with his store’s income.

January is applying for a 3,000,000 UGX through Kiva's field partner Hofokam to restock his store with more sugar, soap, books and drinks to sell during the back-to-school season.

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About the entrepreneur

Name January
Location Masindi, Uganda
Activity General Store / Retail

About the loan

Loan amount $825
Loan use to restock January's store with sugar, soap, books and drinks.