Constance from Uganda

$1375 to buy more blankets, towels, bed covers, bed sheets, trousers, shirts and skirts to sell.

Constance is requesting a loan facility to buy more blankets, towels, bed covers, bed sheets, trousers, shirts and skirts to sell. She wishes to expand and develop her business of a textile shop that is supplemented by some rental units with the hope of educating her two children up to university. She lives in Masindi, Uganda and she was inspired by the fact that she is a professional tailor and loves art and designs.

She points out that her business is seasonal thus affecting her income flow.

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About the entrepreneur

Name Constance
Location Masindi, Uganda
Activity Clothing Sales / Clothing

About the loan

Loan amount $1375
Loan use to buy more blankets, towels, bed covers, bed sheets, trousers, shirts and skirts to sell.