Cynthia from Peru

$1050 to buy knitting, sweaters, and looms.

Cynthia belongs to the community bank Sirenachayoc, which is located in the district, province, and department of Cusco.

Cynthia continues to study and also continues to work in a handicrafts store. She sells knitting, sweaters, blankets, and woven fabric. She sells different kinds of knitting. Her dream is to expand her business selling knitted and woven items. She is applying for a loan to buy knitting, sweaters, and looms.

Cynthia is happy for the loan and promises to fulfill all of the established repayments.

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About the entrepreneur

Name Cynthia
Location CUSCO, Peru
Activity Textiles / Arts

About the loan

Loan amount $1050
Loan use to buy knitting, sweaters, and looms.